
FrancoAngeli Academy

Viale dell'Innovazione, 11

  • Manifesti Poetici

    Manifesti Poetici

    Moreno Gentili

    Thursday 23 | 15.00 — 20.00
    Friday 24 | 10.00 — 20.00
    Saturday 25 | 14.00 — 20.00
    Sunday 26 | 10.00 — 18.00

    Manifesti Poetici (Poetic posters) are a model of shared communication that the author, Moreno Gentili, invented more than two decades ago and that, over time, developed into an organic series of germinative works in continuous becoming, starting from that first unique gesture/action of making the word a form; a concatenation of words and short phrases, ringed in a single hyperbolic anaphora starting from a generating code, such as: «Ti amo», «Bevo vivere», or from an imperative: «Piantala», «Semina», «Servila», but also from adverbs of affirmation, such as: «sì», «no», repeated 365 times. If artwork is a synthesis, this project is a path of research and maturation that houses and provokes change in creative modes and their implementation. Poetic posters are a work/project that lives on the encounters with people who discover the project itself, buy the poster, and continue the dialogue with the artist and his words. The Manifesti Poetici have been exhibited over the years in various places in the city, from Café Cucchi to Teatro Franco Parenti. These are public spaces of sharing and exchange that align with the author's beloved formula of art as civil emotion, outside of any institutional path and close to people's lives."

    EXHIBITION 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 may | 10:00 - 20:00
  • L'uomo scatola

    L'uomo scatola

    Maura Cantamessa, Cristian Boffelli

    The Box Man

    Thursday 23 | 15.00 — 20.00
    Friday 24 | 10.00 — 20.00
    Saturday 25 | 14.00 — 20.00
    Sunday 26 | 10.00 — 18.00

    The artist's book is loosely based on Kōbō Abe's The Box Man, in Antonietta Pastore's translation (Einaudi, 1992); it contains ten engravings by Cristian Boffelli and Maura Cantamessa and opens with a short text by the translator (Bergamo and Tokyo, 2019-2023). Boffelli and Cantamessa are Italian artists, friends who have been engravers for many years, who bring to life their passion for Japanese culture and art printing by confronting the words of Kōbō Abe and his novel The Box Man. The mysterious simplicity of the text's progression brings to life, inside a box, the shyness of a man hidden from the world and curious about the world. The chosen language is that of art prints: xylography, chalcography, and silkscreen prints paired with or superimposed on the author's words in Italian and Japanese in search of a new, different image able to express the poetry of the three authors in dialogue with each other. Leafing through the artist's book, which is collected in a box, unbound, one creates a reading rhythm made up of solids, voids, words, dark spots, and colored traces in an attempt to bring back the poetry of being human, its profound beauty. The exhibition presents matrices and prints in dialogue with each other and the written text. The printed sheets hanging on the wall refer to the lightness of the pages while also adapting to the context in which they are displayed.

    EXHIBITION 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 may | 10:00 - 20:00
  • Uomo Albero

    Uomo Albero

    Daniele Delfino, Giovanna Del Grande

    The workshop, led by Daniele Delfino (the artist who was awarded the UNESCO partnership for the works Uomini Albero and the project L'Orchestra della Natura in 2018) and textile artist Giovanna Del Grande aims to provide a Participatory Art experience to become co-authors of a shared work. Warp and weft will form the core of the Uomo Albero (Tree Man) sculpture proposed by D. Delfino, where the uniqueness of each interpretation will be highlighted. In the creative process, textile scraps interwoven with plant material will join threads, words, and tree branches to create forms inspired by nature and reinterpret material destined for disposal. The magic of upcycling for a new Uomo Albero.

    WORKSHOP 24 may | 18:00 - 20:00
  • Il Filo Rosso

    Il Filo Rosso

    Elvis Crotti, Giuseppe Schirone and PxC

    The Red String

    Talk/workshop and presentation of the Orme Timide series for PxC. Those who design in PxC have a passion for manual skills and if they think of a book, in addition to designing its typography as a "crystal goblet", they ask themselves what paper I will choose, how I will cut it, how I will fold it, how I will sew it. This workshop will go through the times and ways of creating a book; from the design to the composition to the final binding. The Orme Timide series aims to create and promote a series of artists' books where the written word, the prose story or the poetic composition are the narrative focus that will be renewed with each new publication. Words and images (photographs, collages, silkscreen illustrations) will merge into the flow of the story. Each individual book project will develop and enhance this bond by using different formats, materials and types of binding, making the analogue and digital worlds coexist without constraints. Orme Timide has published three limited/numbered edition artist's books in batches of 50 copies each.

    WORKSHOP 26 may | 16:00 - 18:00