
cfp Bauer

Via Luigi Soderini, 24

  • Racconti dal laboratorio tipografico

    Racconti dal laboratorio tipografico

    Veronica Bassini, cfp Bauer

    Tales from the typographic lab

    Bauer opens the doors of the Typography Workshop for a guided tour with a printing demonstration with Veronica Bassini of Anonima Impressori. Free admission.

    EXHIBITION 23 - 24 may | 16:00 - 19:00
  • Sistemi Visivi per la Cultura

    Sistemi Visivi per la Cultura

    Studio Ascionemagro, cfp Bauer

    Visual systems for culture

    The workshop consists of representing a route by highlighting and relating its objective data (Google Maps route, street names, carriage number, kilometers traveled, etc.) and its subjective data (the balcony in bloom, the billboard, the names of the neighbors in the subway seat, photos of the buildings that attract attention, etc.). Workshop participants will be asked to gather such input on their way to Bauer through findings, notes, and photos, which will help compose and print the road map. No reflection, only distraction is needed.

    Max number of participants: 12
    CV and portfolio submission: no later than May 13 by sending an email to
    Selection outcomes: May 15
    Cost: Free of charge

    WORKSHOP 23 may | 15:00 - 18:00
  • Scanning Modular Type

    Scanning Modular Type

    Beatrice D'Agostino, Dario Verrengia, cfp Bauer

    Participants will be asked to create modular lettering, thereby gaining an understanding of the fundamentals of topography, which will be useful for the larger designing of a typeface. Previously selected modules will be provided and used to compose new lettering through scanning from a photocopier or scanner, thus simulating the photocomposition technique.

    Max number of participants: 12
    CV and portfolio submission: no later than May 13 by sending an email to
    Selection outcomes: May 15
    Cost: Free of charge

    WORKSHOP 24 may | 15:00 - 18:00