
Bonvini 1909

Via Tagliamento, 1

  • DISTRAZIONI. Illustrazioni di Beppe Giacobbe

    DISTRAZIONI. Illustrazioni di Beppe Giacobbe

    A cura di Bonvini 1909

    DISTRAZIONI. Illustrations by Beppe Giacobbe

    The exhibition displays more than sixty works by Beppe Giacobbe, many of which are unreleased. In addition to the series Ritratti Accidentali (Accidental Portraits), commented by Edgardo Franzosini, the collaboration for Lettura, from 2012 to this day, and other images created for exhibitions and editorial covers are exhibited. A «subtractive and essential» work (quoting Franco Achilli from the exhibition catalog) which, interpreting and translating, continuously produces new questions and metaphors. «An illustration is there even when it is not. It makes its necessity felt, it prepares its appearance» (quoting Marco Del Corona from the exhibition catalog)."

    the exhibition will open on May 8 and will go on until July 13 from 10.30 to 13.00 and from 14.00 to 19.30.

    EXHIBITION 23 - 24 - 25 - 26 may | 10:30 - 19:30