
Associazione Giancarlo Iliprandi

Via Vallazze, 63

  • Associazione Giancarlo Iliprandi

    Associazione Giancarlo Iliprandi

    Associazione Giancarlo Iliparandi

    Friday 24 | 15.00/16.00/17.00
    Saturday 25 | 10.00/11.00/12.00
    Sunday 26 | 10.00/11.00/12.00

    During BIG Biennale Internazionale Grafica 2024, Associazione Giancarlo Iliprandi opens to the public and shows the workplace and artworks of a master of Italian graphics. It is the professional studio where Iliprandi worked from the 1970s to 2016, on the ground floor of a building designed by Gio Ponti at Via Vallazze 63. The interior of the studio has remained unchanged and features an account of Iliprandi's graphic production.

    Free admission with mandatory reservation via email to indicating the time and number of people, maximum 8 per visit.
    tel. 02 70600843

    EXHIBITION 24 - 25 - 26 may | TBD